Training Programme

The Common Courses offered by the SPM4.0 are listed in the following table, and its attendance is mandatory for all DCs. The courses will be open to DCs outside the Network and will be recorded, edited and made freely available through social networks, as part of the dissemination actions (Sec. 2.3.1) and for further consultation by the DCs. 

The courses will be given in six Training Workshops (TWs), with a duration of 4-5 days. The TWs will be organized by the hosting partner, assisted by the project Coordinator and Project Manager. The first TWs provide higher emphasis on scientific training and basic concepts while the latest ones on advanced topics, transferable skills and employment strategies. The table below describes the TWs planned, including the topic, the organizer, the duration and month, the courses’ title, organizers, duration and short description. TWs will be presential, since many of them include practical/lab activities, and beacuse presentiality conffers the ideal environment for networking.

TW 1: Basics of SPM, Machine Learning and BioMicroscopy (BRUKER, 5 days, Month 12)
C1. Introduction to atomic force microscopy imaging (BRUKER, 1.5 days): Brief history and principles of SPM. Set-up description.
Imaging modes (contact, intermittent contact, non-contact, force-volume). Spectroscopic modes. Application in Life Sciences. Hands on laboratory. BRUKER is the world leader BioAFM manufacturer.
C2. Introduction to SPM image processing (USFD, 0.5 days): Basics of SPM image processing: flattening, equalization, line/spot removal, smoothing, profiling, tip de-convolution. Advanced image processing: volume data, clustering, roughness, nanoparticle detection. Introduction to Gwyddion. USFD develops SPM software.
C3. Underpinning of Machine Learning (DATRIX,1.5 days): History of machine learning. Inference statistics. Introduction to supervised, semisupervised and unsupervised learning.  Advanced topics of model learning and model evaluation. Data preparation. Multi-dimensional data. Outlier detection. DATRIX is an AI-based SME.
C4. Microscopy for Life Sciences and Medicine (CUB, 1.5 days): Basic structures in biological samples. Optical microscopy (bright field, fluorescence, confocal). Electron microscopy (scanning and transmission electron microscopies). Medical imaging techniques (X-Rays, PET, MRI). CUB develops medical imaging techniques.
TW 2: Advanced SPM, Machine Learning for Microscopy, Biophysics and Data MGN (CSIC, 5 days, Month 18)
C5. Quantitative functional SPM nanoscale imaging (CSIC, 1.5 days): Functional vs topographic imaging modes. Nanomechanical mapping (elastic and viscoelastic properties). Nanoelectrical mapping (conductive and dielectric properties). Quantitative functional SPM. CSIC is a world leader in SPM nanomechanical mapping.
C6. Machine and Deep Learning in microscopy (UGOT, 1.5 days): The perceptron. Single layer artificial neural networks. Deep
and Convolutional neural networks. Selected applications: trajectory prediction, computer vision, feature extraction, classification. UGOT organizes regularly PhD courses on deep learning for microscopy.
C7. Mechanical and electrical properties of biologicalsamples (IFJPAN, 1 day): Mechanical and electrical physical magnitudes.
Macroscopic and microscopic techniques (rheometry, deformability cytometry, electrophoresis, patch clamp, optical tweezers, SPM). IFJPAN pioneered SPM nanomechanical biomeasurements.
N1. FAIR Data Management (IFLAI, 1 day): FAIR data principles: making data findable, how to gain access to them, compatibility with other data, and possible to reuse. FAIR data principles as integral part of the work within open science. IFLAI is and AI based SME and has wide experience in data management training.
TW 3: Machine learning and Robotics for SPM and Open Science (SU, 4 days, Month 24)
C8. Automatic and AutonomousSPM (SU, 1.5 days): Scripting languages and automatic SPM operation. Examples of automatic operation. Automatic vs Autonomous operation. State-of-the-art in autonomous SPM operation powered by control and machine learning. SU develops automatic and autonomous SPM applications.
C9. Machine learning for SPM data analysis (IBEC, 1.5 days): Conventional vs machine learning data analysis. Image enhancing
resolution. Segmentation, object recognition and tracking. Characterization of scanning artefacts and tip distortions. Functional imaging. IBEC develops machine learning algorithms for SPM image analysis.
N2. Open Science (IBEC, 1 day): Open access to research outputs. Early and open sharing of research. Use of open research
infrastructures for data sharing. Open peer-review. Measures to ensure reproducibility of results. Open collaboration within science and with other knowledge actors. IBEC has implemented an Open Science policy.
TW 4: SPM applications in Bio-Med, Scientific Communication and IP protection (TUD, 5 days, Month 30)
C10. SPM4.0 applications in Biology (TUD, 1.5 days): SPM applications in bio: living cell imaging, mechanical mapping, molecular
recognition mapping, single molecule force spectroscopy. Emergent applications of SPM4.0 technologies in Biology. TUD is expert in mechanical studies of living cells for cancer research.
C11. SPM4.0 applications in Medicine (VHIR, 1 days): Needs of nano characterization in Medicine. SPM applications in Medicine: cancer, Alzheimer disease, virology, osteoarthritis. Emergent applications of SPM4.0 technologies in medicine. VHIR develops novel nanomedicines in one of the major clinical hospitals in Spain.
C12. SPM4.0 applications in Pharma (CURA, 0.5 days): Types of drug-nanocarriers. Regulatory characterization of drug-nanocarriers.
Drug-nanocarrier-cell interaction. SPM characterization of drug-nanocarriers. Emergent applications of SPM4.0 technologies in the pharma industry. CURA develops gene therapy nanocarriers.
N3. Scientific communication for scientists and general public (SCI, 1 day): Key aspects of science communication, multi-format approach, communication tools. Strategies to reach general and scientific audiences. Designing communication material doctoral projects. SCI devoted more than 10 years to science communication.
N4. Intellectual property rights: protecting your discoveries (CSIC, 1 day): Patents, databases, trademarks, designs, geographical
indications, utility models, copyright and trade secrets. IP protection in SPM and AI. Designing IP for the DCs research projects. CSIC holds various patents licenced in the SPM sector.
TW 5: Metrology, SPM applications in Pharma, Innovation, Gender and Diversity (UGOT, 3.5 days, Month 36)
C13. Metrology in advanced data processing in SPM(CMI, 1.5 days): Metrology in SPM. Advanced data processing of Force-Volume data. Impact of data processing and human influence on accuracy and uncertainty. AI based data processing and machine learning explainability. CMI trains regularly courses on nanometrology.
N5. Gender, minority and diversity in Science(USFD, 1 day): Gender, minority and diversity in Science. Identification of
implicit bias, use of appropriate and inclusive language and reducing discrimination in Biomedical and Engineering research. USFD belongs to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee from the RMS.
N6. Innovation Management(BRUKER, 1 day): Short course on market studies, industrial research and development, innovation and project management, business development and product life cycles, sales and after-sales service management and open innovation.  BRUKER will share its wide expertise in innovation management.
TW 6: Entrepreneurship, Project Raising and Employment strategies (DATRIX, 4 days, Month 42)
N7. Entrepreneurship: creating technology-based companies (ESADE, 2 day): Short course on the main steps in the creation of companies from spin-offs to consolidated companies. Practical cases based on the DF research projects. ESADE is a renowned Business Administration and Management School.
N8. Research projects raising, funding and management(UGOT, 1 day): Phases in research project development, from project rising and funding to management in the public and private sectors. Description of funding opportunities from public and private sectors. UGOT has been grante with four ERC grants.
N9. Employment strategies in the private and public sectors (CUB, 1 day): Main aspects analysed by academia and private companies in the selection of researchers (focused on the SPM, AI and Life Science and Medical sectors). Design of an employment plan. CUB preparation of graduate students for the employment market.